Você está aquiPapers / 40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Sr geochronology of the Uruguayan dike swarm, Rio de la Plata Craton and implications for Proterozoic intraplate activity in western Gondwana

40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Sr geochronology of the Uruguayan dike swarm, Rio de la Plata Craton and implications for Proterozoic intraplate activity in western Gondwana

Título40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Sr geochronology of the Uruguayan dike swarm, Rio de la Plata Craton and implications for Proterozoic intraplate activity in western Gondwana
Publication TypeJournal Article
Ano de Publicação1999
AutoresTeixeira, W, R. Renne P, Bossi J, Campal N, D'Agrella Filho MS
JournalPrecambrian Research
Paginação153 - 180
Data de Publicaão1/1999
Short TitlePrecambrian Research