Você está aquiPapers / New historical archeointensity data from Brazil: Evidence for a large regional non-dipole field contribution over the past few centuries

New historical archeointensity data from Brazil: Evidence for a large regional non-dipole field contribution over the past few centuries

TítuloNew historical archeointensity data from Brazil: Evidence for a large regional non-dipole field contribution over the past few centuries
Publication TypeJournal Article
Ano de Publicação2011
AutoresHartmann, GA, Genevey A, Gallet Y, Trindade RIF, Le Goff M, Najjar R, Etchevarne C, Afonso MC
JournalEarth and Planetary Science Letters
Paginação66 - 76
Data de Publicaão6/2011
Short TitleEarth and Planetary Science Letters